Friday, April 3, 2009

Best/Worst Day of Student Teaching

I woke up a little late this morning and not feeling well. I went downstairs and stepped in doggie pee-pee, Tia had an accident by the back door. I had no time to have breakfast and no time to make lunch so I ran out the door.

When I got to school, I realized that I had no pan for my cupcakes and no eggs for my recipe! AHH! I was panicking. I was able to borrow some eggs from another room (gave them cupcakes in return, which they loved!) and a pan from a different room. My lesson was fabulous! Then, it was lunch time for the kids... one of the kid's case managers came in during lunch time! Mayhem! I'll leave it at that.

After they ate, I went on my break and since I didn't bring, I had to go buy something... WELL... it was raining a little when I left, but once I got to the pizzeria, it was POURING. Lightning struck and the lights went out in the pizza shop! It was raining harder then before and I was SOAKED. I got to my car and dropped about 1/2 my soda on my shirt! I arrived back at school and entered the staff lounge- what a sight I must have been! I emptied my pockets and realized that there was no phone! NOOO! This time, I grabbed an umbrella and ran outside to find my phone in a little puddle beside my car. Ugh... at least it still works. I ran back inside and stepped in a puddle, wearing slip on shoes with no socks- EW!!!

I went back to the classroom all sweaty, sticky, wet and disgusting... the afternoon went by pretty smoothly. Kim told me that I didn't have to do an afternoon circle time, she just put a video on (which she never does) and we talked. This is where I had my "A-HA Moment..."

While talking to Kim, I realized that I belong in a private school, teaching students that are severe and profound. I think it's just what I was meant to do. She told me that she thought I would be great and could bring my creativity and my Holy Family education and be successful. She told me that new teachers have mentors, which was great to hear! I decided that I am going to Human Resources on Monday to apply! =) She also told me the names of some other local schools similar to where I am now... so I can apply there too... wish me luck! haha

Tonight was the induction ceremony for Kappa Delta Pi which is an honors society for education majors. My mom also attended the ceremony, which was really nice. I don't think that it has sunken in that I am graduating college- with honors!

Ok, I would go into greater detail, but I already wrote a book. I'm tired so I'm outta here! Goodnight!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, I was observed today by my supervior from school! I was so anxious about my lesson (paper mache eggs) that I forgot to do my introduction! AHH! No big deal though, my supervisor didn't mind- in fact she told me that I'm receiving an A in Student Teaching for the semester! =) This makes me REALLY happy- it's going to boost my GPA even more! Anyway, my lesson went really well, the kids loved shredding the paper and dipping it into the flour and water. They dried outside for a bit, and I think it was a success. Looks like they're going to take a while to dry, but we'll see tomorrow. Next week, we will paint them. I wish I would have made one too! haha Tomorrow we are making Easter cupcakes. MMM... so tempting. Hopefully they'll eat them all. Or sneeze on them or something. I hope they like them!! Then again, what's not to like with pillsbury icing and jelly beans on top! Ok, now that I'm salavating...

I'm having such a good time with my students, I can't believe it will be over so soon! Starting in May, I will be subbing in my school district. There are 7 schools, so hopefully I will work everyday and get practice in mainstream classrooms.

5 things I am thankful for...

1) Easter with the Maglios this year!
2) Family <3
3) My kiddies
4) Cool nights
5) Cobra color changing tee! haha


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Easter is Around the Corner

Today we had so much fun dying Easter eggs. Each student even tasted a hard boiled egg!! They were so excited to bring them home to their parents. =) Gotta love the enthusiasm. Tomorrow we will be making paper mache eggs... wish me luck, never did it before. *crosses fingers* To top it off, I am being observed by my supervisor tomorrow!! Ahh! haha It's ok, she's the best and my favorite teacher- ever. I need to start looking for a lil something for her as a thank you, any ideas? Well, it's past midnight and I'm still awake! (I didn't even nap today!) So I'll end with my list.

I am thankful for...

1) Family
2) Dr. Sullivan
3) Turkey hot dogs
4) Arbonne lotion
5) Ballet flats