Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, I was observed today by my supervior from school! I was so anxious about my lesson (paper mache eggs) that I forgot to do my introduction! AHH! No big deal though, my supervisor didn't mind- in fact she told me that I'm receiving an A in Student Teaching for the semester! =) This makes me REALLY happy- it's going to boost my GPA even more! Anyway, my lesson went really well, the kids loved shredding the paper and dipping it into the flour and water. They dried outside for a bit, and I think it was a success. Looks like they're going to take a while to dry, but we'll see tomorrow. Next week, we will paint them. I wish I would have made one too! haha Tomorrow we are making Easter cupcakes. MMM... so tempting. Hopefully they'll eat them all. Or sneeze on them or something. I hope they like them!! Then again, what's not to like with pillsbury icing and jelly beans on top! Ok, now that I'm salavating...

I'm having such a good time with my students, I can't believe it will be over so soon! Starting in May, I will be subbing in my school district. There are 7 schools, so hopefully I will work everyday and get practice in mainstream classrooms.

5 things I am thankful for...

1) Easter with the Maglios this year!
2) Family <3
3) My kiddies
4) Cool nights
5) Cobra color changing tee! haha



  1. An "A"!!!! I knew it, I knew you'd ACE this class!!! You're amazing, Gi, and not just 'cause you're mine, you are truly an amazing woman. =)

    Sounds like they had a great time with the eggs, I am glad....looks like something we should try?
    Anyway, you're almost there, my only have weeks left!!

    p.s. Back away from the cupcakes! :p

  2. Hi Gina;

    GREAT new look to your blog. I love that you are blogging more often. I'll make a point to come back and read.. and read... and read!

    Don't worry about forgetting a thing or two when you are being evaluated by a supervisor.. it happens all the time to all of us in the 'real world business environment'. It's great that you're getting an A!

    I think it's great that you'll be getting to sub soon. You'll miss your students, but the experience you'll be gaining by being exposed to different subjects, and different students every day will be invaluable.

    Best.. DON
